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Technology Assessment / IT Audits

Through a comprehensive and systematic analysis, we can identify deficiencies and long standing problems that have gone unnoticed and overtime deteriorated the system stability and performance.  

Assessments provide a vital overview of your systems and IT operations looking at the technology from the ground up.  They help identify any early signs problems and long standing issues which may be impeding your systems and operations.  Through a comprehensive analysis of your IT operations and not just the technology, we identify any holes in existing operations and procedures which can further lead to  unnecessary risks and exposures.  You take your car in for a regular check-up, can you really afford to skip on something as important as your technology?


The assessment process compares the existing environment and operational plans against Microsoft’s and other vendor best practices. In addition, the assessment includes recommendations that provide a clear roadmap to remediate any deficiencies and risks identified within the system.  Let us help you put your mind at ease while also identifying any potential threats developing within the system before they have a chance to develop into actual problems.

Toronto Infrastructure Assessment, Toronto IT Consultants - Toronto IT Consulting Companies, Cloud Solutions, On site systems and networking, Storage, SQL, Exchange, Active Directory, Citrix, VMware, Web Servers, Disaster Recovery, Backup, Hardware and Software provider, Azure, AWS, Office 365, Technology Assessment, Toronto IT Assessment, Toronto Project Managment, Project Managment
Toronto Infrastructure Assessment, Toronto IT Consultants - Toronto IT Consulting Companies, Cloud Solutions, On site systems and networking, Storage, SQL, Exchange, Active Directory, Citrix, VMware, Web Servers, Disaster Recovery, Backup, Hardware and Software provider, Azure, AWS, Office 365, Technology Assessment, Toronto IT Assessment, Toronto Project Managment, Project Managment
Toronto Infrastructure Assessment, Toronto IT Consultants - Toronto IT Consulting Companies, Cloud Solutions, On site systems and networking, Storage, SQL, Exchange, Active Directory, Citrix, VMware, Web Servers, Disaster Recovery, Backup, Hardware and Software provider, Azure, AWS, Office 365, Technology Assessment, Toronto IT Assessment, Toronto Project Managment, Project Managment

Technology Assessment


  • Complete end to end review of the existing infrastructure components.

  • Performance analysis of all critical components.

  • Security analysis and ethical walls assessment.

  • Server configuration and log analysis.

  • Internet and Remote Access speed and latency tests.

  • Firewall rules analysis and assessment.

  • Network Design and Architecture.

  • Environmental Factors.

  • Backup and Restore Practices including Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity.

  • Remote Access

  • Virus & Malware effectiveness as well as interference and conflict with operational components. 

  • Licensing and Warranty

Staff Review & Support

Strategic Planning

  • Staff Review & Skill Assessment - identify skills required to deliver on your business goals and where your staff stands compared to those requirements.
  • Risk Assessment - Ensure that your staff understands their limitations and know when to raise the flag and what to do after.
  • Identify role limitations - know what to expect from your staff members and when to seek external help. 
  • Identify key training directives for each of your staff members.  Help them in their personal development and in turn yourself.
  • Help with recruitment process - we can help minimize risk with new hires by assisting with the hiring process or doing it altogether. Our recruitment partners specialize in IT and can help find the right resources while we verify and test them.


  • Increase efficiency and effectiveness
  • Develop clear road maps for future projects and business plans.
  • Budget analysis - are you spending on technology efficiently and in the right direction?
  • Assesses needs and resources;
    defines a target audience and a set of goals
    and objectives.
  • Plan and design coordinated strategies.
  • Identify need for resources and/or assets.
  • Review existing plans.
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